Legal notice
General terms.
Our company Kounoupi Vasileia FABRIC-FABRIC-CURRETTE-BLUE GOODS, Tax ID 143328506, Tax Office of Kos, headquarters 25th MARTOU 23, 85300 Kos and telephone number 2242022255 will be referred to as
The use of this site (ordering products, using services, navigation, etc.) implies agreement with the Legal Terms of Use, which we ask you to read carefully before using it. For this reason, the primary concern of the legal owners and administrators of is to set forth the following terms, which govern its rights and obligations to all of you who visit its web pages, and which are intended to inform you of your rights and obligations and to better serve you in searching for and obtaining the products you wish to purchase from its store.
Intellectual Property.
Any material, trademark or other content on this site is an asset and is subject to relevant intellectual property laws. It is protected by the legal and intellectual property rights of and by third parties who have licensed the above materials to the company for product promotion. It is prohibited to reproduce the content of this site (in whole or in part) for personal use, to exploit / remove / modify / copy / rent / borrow / lend / publish and promote it and for any reason by third parties, without permission from or the third parties who have granted the above materials for product promotion. does not have the right to sell the license of those materials, which from third parties has legally obtained for the promotion of their respective products.
The contents of the site are used only as purchasing information for the prospective buyer. Materials from this site may not be sold, distributed or used in any way for profit-making purposes or for purposes that are detrimental to the interests of the company (logo production, child pornography, exploitation, dishonest profit, insult to public decency, etc.) and are prohibited by law.
No part of this site may be permanently or periodically displayed on any other server (web server).
Any misrepresentation or violation of the above terms, the Greek courts will be responsible for the application of the law.
Information for children.
We recommend that children and young people under the age of 16 obtain their parents' permission before sending personal information to the website.
Links to other sites.
Links on may take you outside its network. In this case does not accept any responsibility for the content, accuracy, operation, and any subsequent changes to these sites.
Return of products
Read in detail in the returns and exchange policy.